Some more foot knights

So far, my army only contained two units of foot knights which is obviously too few for a French army of the period. I decided to use the foot knights frame within the box of Perry Miniatures's French Infantry at Azincourt completed with components form the main infantry frames to build two units of foot knights.

Knights are always a pleasure to paint. The coat-of-arm they wear on their surcoat is a great opportunity to challenge my painting skill and make colorfull units. Some knights in these two units have more elaborate coat-of-arms which was common in the later medieval period as compared with the twelfth century when heraldry was born and even thirteen century. Indeed, nobles of high ranks tended to combine the coat-of-arms of both their parents, several of their estates and even add elements for their own glory. Many of my knights have simple heraldry to illustrate middle and lower and also because of paiting fatigue. A few wear gambison instead of surcoat. These would be poorer knights. They were made form bodies form the main infantry frame. 

All coat-of-arms are made up but inspired from real ones. I found inspiration in coat-of-arm books and miniatures manufacturers webiste.
