Perry Miniatures exclusive Jeanne d'Arc - review

Jeanne d'Arc is a charismatic figure of French history known in the entire world. I had to get a miniature of her. Luckily, Perry Miniatures offers a Joan of Arc on foot for free when you by three boxes of French plastic box. This is the only way to get it. If you fancy her on a horse then the mounted version is available for sale on their webiste. How does she look like, you said ? Let's see.

I replace the original whitemetal shaft by a copper rod
which is far more resilient. I reused the head, that you can see on top.

The mini is a bit smaller than plastic infantrymen of the same range which is just fine considering she is supposed to be a young women. The sword was not totally straight and I didn't manage to straighten it but it is not very visible so it'll go. The sculpt is good and there are almost no mould line except for the left side of the face which is just terrible. I believe it has nothing to do with the mould but with the sculpting which is pretty disappointing. 

I based her as a command figure with two other infantrymen. I deliberately chose lighly armoured infantry and not knights to represent brigands or ban and arrière-ban troops in order to illustrate her accointance with commoners.

Jeanne leading her troops. The birgands are equipped with various melee
 weapons and one even has a bow to show that they are irregulars.

The flag will come later. The one in the French Infantry box
is way too big.
