Footsore Miniatures bills and polearms review

 I just purchased recently a bunch of extra polearms to use for my various medieval project. Those are Bills (polearms) pack (12) and Medieval Bill Hooks pack (10) by Footsore Miniatures.

The Bills (polarms) pack is a classic white metal weapons pack. It contains 12 bills. Nothing to say about the sculpt but the moulding is pretty bad. It will required a lot of work to remove mould lines. 

On the other hand the Medieval Bill Hooks pack contains enough parts to make 10 bills. They are two type : vougues (voulges) and serpe (billhook) . The heads are 3D printed and the shaft is 0.8mm copper spears available seperately from the same manufacturer. You just have to cut the spear head and glue the bill head instead. 

Polearms weapons pack by Footsore Miniatures
On the left the white metal bills and on the right the medieval bill hooks.

This is where you stick the shaft.

The Medieval Bill Hooks is far better in my opinion. Cutting the fragile 3D printed heads might take a tiny but of time and needs to be done delicately. But on the plus sides, mould lines are easy to remove on the heads. The assembly is simple, just cut the copper spears heads and glue the 3D printed head. The copper shaft does not bend contrary to the white metal one which makes it more resistent to transport but also easier to put in place after you driller the hole in your miniature's hands. I recommend the palce the shaft before glueing the head because you might break the head during process otherwise.
